Tonight I watched (for the second time) the movie Solaris. As a lover of science fiction, I was looking to remember what I didn’t like when I saw it for the first time (back in its release).
Solaris has a pretention to be the new 2001: A Space Odyssey and in some ways it achieves the objective. Like the other, it is slow, beautiful, heavily psychological and enigmatic. The plot is basically a love story, using the space and the (amazing) environment in order to catch the audience. But, to be honest, it fails.
I’m aware that this is a remake of an older version (“the Russian response for 2001”), but I never found it to watch. Looks like I will have to satisfy myself with the book.

- The sceneries - beautiful as could be.
- The actors - Natascha McElhone is simply hypnotic.
- “And death shall have no dominion.”
- The author should know that by the gender of this movie, it was going to be watched mostly by men, so why showing so much the Clooney’s ass?
- The movie is emotionally distant and you don't become enough involved with the feelings of the characters. Also, unfortunately, Steven never learned the secret of the climax and the kick-ass ending.

Rate: 7/10
Wow scene: when the dead wife is launched to space. Her eyes…