This game is the proof that console-born games could amaze an old PC gamer. It was responsible for 3 half-slept nights and tons of fun.
• The RPG. The interaction with the NPCs is great and the romance is stimulating. You will incorporate Commander Shepard through his epic destiny, being a virtuous hero or a bad boy.
• The graphics and art. The game is so beautiful (specially the cut scenes) that you fell like in an interactive film. A breathless interactive film, by the way.
• The story. Although it is basically a KOTOR without Star Wars, the story is very decent and solid. You will be hooked.
• Long. You can spend dozens of hours in the game without even notice.
• No multiplayer, which is unforgiving. Bioware had shown that is possible to conciliate cooperative multiplayer with the campaign in previous games (like Neverwinter Nights).
• Confusing inventory system.
• The AI should be more challengeable and unpredicted. Combats with the “Mako” APC are too easy.
• Repetitive quests and places. Some randomness would improve a lot the replay factor.
• You can’t skip some movies. This is not annoying when playing for the first time, but if you are planning to prove different characters, the beginning of the game (full of cut scenes) will test your patience.
• The quest logs don’t help much and sometimes you get lost and don’t know where to go.

Rate: 9/10
Conclusion: Buy it. Now.

Suggestions for MASS EFFECT 2
• Cooperative multiplayer.
• The places, enemies and enemies’ locations should change every time you play. Think in Diablo and you know what I’m talking about.
• More powers, more options, more customization.
• Additional storylines and plots besides the main story.
Mass Effect + multiplayer + randomness + extended content + more freedom = game of the decade.