1- Main Weapon: Wire-Guided Rocket Launcher (works exactly as the Half-Life and BF2 rocket launchers – with the right mouse bottom you can turn on or off the guidance).
• Pros: tactical option for the soldier (to kill that Sniper or Sentry around the corner).
• Cons: slower rate of fire and velocity. Not effective to be used in the “heat” of action.
2- Secondary Weapon: Slug Shotgun.
• Pros: fires a solid, single, large projectile for concentrated damage.
• Cons: still not very accurate at long distances. Harder to hit a moving target.
3- Melee Weapon: Shotgun Bayonet – works for the both Soldier shotguns types.
• Pros: can be used with the right mouse button. Don’t need to de-select the shotgun for using a melee attack.
• Cons: slower “rate of fire” comparing to the shovel.
4- Hand Grenade: Frag grenade – good area damage. Not effective against buildings.
The Soldier was always my preferred class. I fell he could carry more rockets (at least 4 more), because you easily run out of ammo even before breaching the enemy’s defense.
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