No other comics have a so complex and intelligent plot, so deep and human characters, so many stories within the story and so much philosophic questioning. Watchmen could be called the “comics to end all comics”.
Now the comic series are in the spotlight because of the upcoming film. Even though the movie looks flawless so far, we old fans are waiting with a mix of apprehension and excitement. Snyder has done a pretty good job in 300. Let us hope he can capture the spirit of the Watchmen in the silver screen.
Meanwhile, I recommend the reader to follow the news about the adaptation of one of the side stories. Here is the trailer.
For those who don’t know what these “Tales of the Black Freighter” are, take a look here.
Ah, few people know, but there is a “Watchmen Motion Comic”. It’s a very true adaptation to the comics. More information here.

One of the best novels of XX century is a comic book
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