I was keeping this project quiet until it’s done to show to the Valve guys. Unfortunately, I had some disappointments in sending suggestions to game developers. It looks like creative geniuses are not very willing to receive outside ideas. Anyway, in my days of addiction for Team Fortress 2, I conceived a card game.
“TF2 CBG” is the 3rd card game I designed. The first one was “Mana”, back in the middle nineties, based on AD&D (something like “Spellfire meets Magic”). The second was “Warcraft III Card Game” (see Never Finished Projects – Part 3, posted September 21, 2008). And, believe it or not, there are 2 other card games I’m planning right now.
Basically, this game is to be played one-o-one. One player is the RED team and the other is the BLU team.
Each player has two decks, being one the “Loadout deck” (thanks, PaperStab!) and the other the “Teammate deck”. The loadout deck is made by up to 40 Weapon and Maneuver cards choosen by the player. The teammate deck is composed by 9 fixed cards, the Teammates, one for each type (Demoman, Engineer, Heavy, Medic, Pyro, Scout, Sniper, Soldier and Spy).
There is a possibility to use miniatures instead of the teammates cards in the board, which make it much smaller.
Weapons are attached to a Teammate and Maneuvers are spent to make an instant effect.
There is a board (“map”) with the dimensions of at least 6x9 squares, and its configuration depends on the game mode (Intelligence, Control Point, Payload and Arena). There can be different map configurations for each game mode (like Badlands, Well, Granary, etc., all for Control Point mode). Intelligence maps are won capturing the enemy’s Intel 3 times. In Control Point maps, win the player who hold all CPs. In Payload maps there is an attacking player that needs to push a card to the enemy base. And in Arena maps, starting rules are a bit different, the teammates can’t respawn and the bases don’t offer protection, so the player with surviving teammates wins.
At the start of a round (Setup Phase), each player draws one card from each deck. He can spawn the teammate in his base and attach a weapon card in any of his teammates that accept that weapon.
In the Mission Phase the player can move his teammates, attack, and use Maneuver cards.
Each killed teammate goes to the bottom of the teammate deck. Each weapon or maneuver card lost is remove from the game. If the custom deck of both players ends, the game is over in Stalement (except in attack/defend maps, like Payload, when the defender wins).
Teammate card have the following stats: Speed, Health and Melee Damage.
Weapon cards have: Damage per range and may have special features.
The attacks are made by rolling a 6-side dice. The damage is dealt comparing the result of the dice with the maximum damage of the weapon for that range. For instance, if you roll a “5” and the maximum damage of that weapon for that range is “3”, you will do 3 of damage. Rolling a “6” means “critical”, and always delivers 6 of damage.
Well, this is the basics. I managed to cover everything of the video game in the card game. In the list of the maneuvers, you can find cards like: Rocket Jump; Double Jump; Ubercharge; Cloak; Teleport: Entry; Teleport: Exit; Sentry Gun; Compression Blast; Rocket on the Feet; etc.
Example of a maneuver card:
Stick Grenade Jump
- Duration: instant
- Replaces: attack
- Requires: Demoman with Stick Grenade Launcher
- Roll a [4] die. The Demoman can move that distance and receives 2 of damage. This movement passes though any obstacle.
Here is a preview of how should be the teammate cards:

And the basic weapons:

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