Dungeons & Dragons Online meets Team Fortress 2

Class: Monk
Race: Halfling
A fast-running and fast-talking Halfling from Stormreach with a penchant for brawling and grievous bodily harm, the Scout flies like a butterfly and stings like a bat to the face. The fastest of all the classes, his speed and ability to double jump will leave slower opponents spinning. This, coupled with his volley of Darts, makes the Scout ideal at hit and run tactics, allowing him to inflict massive close-range damage before dashing away to safety. Not content with only one way to harass his foes, the Scout can also equip his trusty Sling to stun opponents with long-range bullets.
*Party Dungeon is a TF2 (my former passion) parody I'm making of DDO (my current addiction).
Other characters:
- Heavy = heavy armored Dwarf Fighter with a huge repeating crossbow;
- Pyro = Human Evocator specialized in - guess what - fire;
- Soldier = Human Paladin with a sacred sword;
- Engineer = Gnome Artificer with Sentry Constructs, Magic Chests and Dimension Doors;
- Sniper = Elf Archer (duh!);
- Medic = Human Cleric;
- Spy = Half-Elf Rogue.
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