Percentage done: 40%
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos is one of the greatest games of all times and I love the universe Blizzard created. Thinking in all that and influenced by the Battletech TCG I still played that time, I started to design a card game for WC3, down in 2003-2004.
The game follows the basic gameplay of the multiplayer mode. Each player starts with a settlement where he deploys building cards which, by their time, recruit units. The units can be used to gather resources (wood and food), attack the enemy settlement or make missions in the “world”, fighting against neutral creep units (controlled by the opposing player) to gain gold, items and “experience”. After each combat, the hero units can attach one “level up” card, increasing their power and adding new abilities.
After designing the most of the rules I got stuck in making the cards. Working by myself, with difficult to find someone to play test with, and at the same time busy with work and college, I left the project alone for some time. But the killing blow came with the announcement of the Blizzard’s official card game in 2005.
Here is the image of some card templates:

It would be a nice game if completed. :(
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