I got on the video store the First Season of The Tudors and here is my review:
• The plot is interesting, based on very important times and intriguing people.
• The cast is generally good and some main actors really look like nobles (for instance, the Queen Catarina).
• The series (as usual) hold the spectator episode after episode.
• First, the CG sequences (showing cities, ships, and old landscapes) are very cheap and badly done. If you are spending millions in actors, staff, cloths and equipment, you should invest a little more in a good digital effects company.
• The Cardinal Wolsey suicide. Ok, you can say the Cardinal suicide (even if the History books claim different facts), but cutting out his own throat? As far as I know, in real life (as opposing to Shyamalan’s “The Happening”) it is very difficult to suicide that way.
• The people look too clean, beautiful and modern. The character Charles Brandon is especially all wrong (looks more like an underwear model). And the king, well, wasn’t Henry VIII fat and old at that time?
• I know concessions have to be made when adapting true events to a show, but it would not cost to be more historically accurate.

It's really good to be the king!
I liked!
Could be better? Sure!
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