Sunday, November 4, 2012

Friday, August 24, 2012

Must play PS3 games

I’m not a fan of consoles. In fact, my first console in 30 years (used to have an Intellivision) is the PlayStation 3.

To be honest, I bought the PS3 for the Blu-Ray 3D player, not the videogame itself. Considering I'm incapable of playing my favorite gender, FPS (First Person Shooter) in a control pad (I really need a mouse+keyboard setup), and there is really no decent RTS (Real Time Strategy) outside the PCs, you could think I lost money on my fancy Blu-Ray player. But, it looks like I didn't.

Here are the best PS3 games I played so far:

Heavy Rain – out of question one of the best games I ever played. More an interactive movie than a game, it can deliver intense emotions (from sadness to love, from hope to despair, from genuine terror to relief) in a way movies find hard to do and games couldn’t even dream of.

 The sadness is strong in this one
"I think I got a stalker"
  Bully cop
[spolier allert]

Valkyria Chronicles – now that’s a game clearly done with passion. Beautiful, light hearted and compelling… I only wished this tactical game had multiplayer and more game modes to improve its replaybility (a RISK-like game mode would work wonders). Yes, the saddest thing about this game is the fact it ends.

Krauts by Japan
 You won't even mind the pink skies
 She is lovely
 Where is the sequel?

Mortal Kombat (2011) – OK, Mortal Kombat wasn’t my preferred fighting games franchising (always loved Samurai Shodown) but they really nailed with this one. Brutal, clever, with a terrific movie-like story mode, endless content and hours of fun with friends guaranteed, Mortal Kombat (2011) is a flawless victory.

You can feel the bones breaking
Ha! Missed me
In your face
You are too hot, let me fix that

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Will work for like

For an enthusiastic modder and free games designer, I think I wouldn't need to say that, but here it goes:

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Self-Quote: Vogue

Fashion is the art of temporary transform what was so far ridiculous in desirable.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Project: MWO CHESS

I’m a fan of the Battletech universe for almost 2 decades and I was waiting for another Mechwarrior title for 10 years. Now there is a MW video game being developed (called Mechwarrior Online) and I became very engaged with the MWO Community.

It turns out that I decided to make a board game to emulate the experience of playing MWO (which is in Closed Beta right now). I give you:
All art of the game is based on elements from the MWO site and the rules are made for fast and furious games, with similar mechanics of MWO. The units (mechs) and factions are the same you can find in the video game, completing the experience.

I’m posting and commenting here the updates of MWO CHESS. You can freely get there a complete PDF manual with rules, cards and miniatures to print and start playing in your chess board.

Some images:

Sample of Mech cards 
Faction cards
Sample of Mech miniatures

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Team Edward? No! Team Jacob? Hell no!
I choose Team Bela!

(I miss the time where vampires weren't fagots and werewolves weren't underwear models)


I was trying to make a post about the great movies I saw in 2011 (a very short list), but I turned up to write about the worst movie I saw in the last years.


There is only a word to describe this movie: obscene.

The story is so implausible that is kind of embarrassing to tell it here. An eleven years old “orphan”, separated by his mother at birth, turn up to be a gratuitous musical genius - because his parents (whom he never knew) are musicians, of course. And no matter how big the world is, how their lives are different, in the end, in some beautiful moment, the three will be “magically” drawn together.

Instant true love, the power of music… Even Disney's Cinderella isn't so naive. But this movie is not only naive, it's dangerous. It makes us think no matter the way we live our lives, no matter what we do, there is a wonderful path written for us.

And there is another lesson underneath: significant people are born that way.
That's really a comforting though, isn't? “I'm an ordinary person because I was not born a genius”.

Bullshit! We are all born dumb. Genius is earned. Get up your lazy ass and start learning something.

I think the boy's father is the cello. That explains a lot.

“Study and practice are for suckers. I was born ready!”

“I never saw that kid before, but somehow I know he IS our son”