Sunday, July 20, 2008

The (at last) Dark Knight

"Here is my card."

I was a real fan of the Batman comics until the first movie, down in 1989. Owner of the graphic novels The Dark Knight and Asylum Arkham, I felt that the movies never caught the right spirit of the hero. And it gets worst and worst until the final insult: Batman & Robin (1997).

Well, I was thinking: so much for the Batman. But when Batman Begins arrived, I could not enjoy more the idea of reset, of “let’s try it again”. Batman Begins is indeed a watchable and decent move. But when I gone to watch The Dark Knight… WTF? It really got me unguarded.

Though the older fans like me could complain about the Two Face, the movie is dark like the title, and that’s refreshing.

And, come on. Heath Ledger not only made the best Joker someone could ever conceive, but stole the film! It could be called Joker – The Movie. He is insane, he is frightening and he is funny. It’s a tragic loss for the industry that this great actor died so young.

Rate: 9/10

Wow moment: the ending.

Best scene: The magic trick.

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